Foot Pain

Foot Pain


Foot pain can simply ruin your life.

Foot pain may start from the moment you get out of bed or develop through the day. Which ever way the foot pain develops it can make day to day activities difficult or impossible.  Foot pain often develops slowly over months and eventually reaches the stage something needs to be done.

Heel, bunion, arch or achilles pain are examples of specific types of pain we see in the clinic on a regular basis

Foot Pain diagnosis


Correct foot pain diagnosis is very important and without an accurate diagnosis correct treatment is difficult. Feet are extremity complicated structures with 26 bones, numerous muscles, tendons and ligaments. All these components work together to enable foot function and walking. When the function of one of these structures becomes abnormal problems and pain may develop. Therefore, using sophisticated digital foot scanning technology abnormalities are identified and solutions found.

Foot Pain Solutions

Depending on the problems identified a specific treatment plan may be developed. This may include rest, muscle strengthening or stretching exercise advice, footwear advice or in some cases the introduction of orthotic insole foot support.

Orthotic Insoles

How Do Orthotic Insoles Help

Changes in how the 26 bones, ligaments, muscles and tendons operate within the feet can occur. During this process the foot can alter how it functions by using other bones and muscles etc to allow continued mobility leading to problems and pain. This may happen due to an injury or simply wear and tear as the feet are put through huge stress and strain on a daily basis (and we live decades longer than 100 years ago!). Orthotic insoles allow to feet to function more naturally relieving the areas of pain.

Flat Footed / Pronation

Pronation or flat footed is condition that may cause foot problems. The foot arch may struggle to maintain its integrity and start to collapse leading to numerous types of foot pain. A simple way to check this is to ask someone to watch you walk away from them – if the feet appear to be pointing outwards there is a possibility of pronation. This occurs in varying degrees and correct diagnosis from a Podiatrist is important.

Flat Feet or Pronation can lead to a number of differing foot pain issues. Changes  in the foot may affects the position of the knees, hips, pelvis, spine as far as the scull. Problems higher in the body may be linked with the foot posture.

Orthotic Insoles support the foot arch in a specific way for each patient to correct abnormalities allowing more normal foot function. This relieves foot pain and also aligns the higher body which may also have related problems e.g. knee pain.




Waverley Foot Clinic uses the Digital GaitScan™ technology to access foot pain problems to determine your requirements for custom insoles. Unique low profile memory flex plastic to match your foot shape perfectly which easily fits inside all shoe types (even slim ladies shoes). For more information see our Orthotics Insole service.

To book an assessment appointment please call Waverley Foot Clinic on 01252 716611




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Picture of Jonathan Kirk - Lead Chiropodist / Podiatrist and Practice Owner | MChS BSc (Hons)

Jonathan Kirk - Lead Chiropodist / Podiatrist and Practice Owner | MChS BSc (Hons)

Mr Jonathan Kirk is the proud owner and manager of Waverley Clinic. With a diverse background in healthcare, he first embarked on his professional journey as a Registered General Nurse. Subsequently, he carved out a successful career in the UK medical industry, excelling in sales and senior management roles. As his passion for podiatry grew stronger, Jonathan made the decision to further his education as a mature student, pursuing a BSc (Hons) degree in podiatry. Now, he resides in Farnham, utilising his extensive clinical and podiatric expertise to benefit his patients.

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