Here at Waverley Foot Clinic Farnham, we provide fast and highly successful foot arch and heel pain treatment that is specifically tailored to your individual needs.
Arch and heel pain is an extremely common foot problem, It can affect most people of any age,but often runners and athletes have this problem.
Heel pain often occurs first thing in the morning or following a period of rest. The pain may be felt in the arch also and is very debilitating.
Here at Waverley Foot Clinic in Farnham, we use the most advanced podiatry technology to assess, diagnosis and treat arch pain. After undertaking a digital scan and gait assessment, which analyses the way in which you walk and run, treatment options will be discussed. Possible exercises, footwear advice or prescription orthotic insoles are all possible treatment. Each patient is different to the correct treatment plan and advice is vital to resolve problems and prevent symptom return.
We provide treatment plans for the below foot-related conditions:
There are several lifestyle choices that you can make to help prevent your arch pain from returning. These include:
Or call Waverley Clinic to book an appointment:
Seven-day, 24 hour telephone appointment booking service
Online Booking: You can now book online for both Podiatry & Physiotherapy