Are you suffering from a painful sports injury like Achilles Tendonitis, an ankle sprain, Plantar Fasciitis or even tennis elbow? These types of pain can drastically decrease your quality of life and put an end to everyday activities and sporting events.
Waverley Foot Clinic now provides the state-of-the-art technology to expedite resolution of sports injuries and other painful issues. K-Laser Therapy offers a ‘cold’ laser treatment that not only hastens the healing process but offers much needed relief.
Unlock the power of laser therapy using chosen wavelengths of light to trigger vital molecules in human cells. Years of medical research has identified the exact wavelengths, energy level and frequencies to induce changes in cellular metabolism (Photobiostimulation).
K-Laser brings energy from shallow to deep tissues, activating a chain of photochemical reactions that enhance cell function, allowing treated tissue to speed up healing stages and reduce discomfort. This is a secure, non-invasive technique that employs the body’s own self-repairing processes
This revolutionary therapy can treat many conditions:
• Metatarsalgia
• Hallux valgus-bursitis
• Plantar Fasciitis
• Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome
• Arthritis-osteoarthritis
• Interdigital neuritis
• Heel spur
• Achilles tendonitis
• Morton’s neuroma
• Post-sprain oedema
• Diabetic neuropathy
• Tibia-tarsal distortion
• Diabetic ulcers
• Warts
• Toenail Mycosis
• Plantar Fasciitis
• Ankle sprains
• Fungal nails
It works by infrared light creating increased oxygen blood and cell absorption. This stimulates the human immune system to repair tissue and muscular damage with an analgesic effect.
For an appointment, please call 01252 716611, and we will book you an appointment as soon as possible.
Or call Waverley Clinic to book an appointment:
Seven-day, 24 hour telephone appointment booking service
Online Booking: You can now book online for both Podiatry & Physiotherapy