What are the options for fungal nail laser treatment?

Fungal nail infection (onychomycosis) is a common condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It can be difficult to treat, and traditional methods such as topical creams or oral medications may not always be effective. In recent years, laser treatment has emerged as an alternative option for managing fungal nail infections. One of the advanced […]

What do corns look like: the difference between corns and calluses

The difference between corns and calluses Corns and calluses are both common skin conditions that can cause discomfort and pain. They are often mistaken for each other, but the two have some key differences. Corns and calluses result from repeated pressure or friction on the skin. Calluses develop from repeated friction, rubbing, pressure, and irritation […]

Pain in my heel: Could orthotic insoles help?

Foot pain can be debilitating and stop us from doing the activities we love. One common cause of foot pain is a condition called plantar fasciitis, which causes pain in the heel or arch of the foot. The pain is typically worse first thing in the morning or following a period of time being seated. […]

Walking for health: the comprehensive guide to boosting your wellness

a group of people walking on a path

Walking is simple, free, and one of the easiest ways to get more active, lose weight, and become healthier. Despite its simplicity, the benefits of walking for health are profound and can be a game-changer for anyone looking to improve their overall well-being. Walking for 30 minutes daily offers numerous health benefits, including: In this […]

How to prevent and fix your verruca

What causes a verruca on the feet? Verrucas are caused by the human papilloma virus (HPV) and are contagious, meaning they can easily spread from person to person. The verruca viral infection is highly contagious, and can be picked up in a wide range of places. In particular, it spreads quickly through barefoot contact with […]

Why do I have pain in the heel of my foot?

Heel pain can be very debilitating. It can keep you from participating in many activities that you enjoy and make everyday tasks more difficult. Heel pain is caused by a variety of things, including plantar fasciitis, heel spurs, and Achilles tendonitis. While heel pain may seem like a minor inconvenience, it can have a significant […]

How does laser treatment resolve fungal nail infection

Laser treatment is a popular and effective way to resolve fungal nail infections. In this blog post, we will discuss how laser treatment works to eliminate fungus from the nails and restore them to good health. Fungal nails are common Fungal nail infections are more common than people think. It is estimated that 1 in […]

How and Why do Prescription Insoles Work?

Prescription or orthotic insoles are a popular solution to the common problem of foot pain. There are many causes of foot pain but ultimately because everyone’s feet are different there is no one-size-fits-all solution to the problem. Many of us need help to eradicate foot pain and prescription insoles, or orthotics, are often one of […]

Ingrown Toenail Treatments and Causes

Looking to understand what causes ingrown toenails, how to prevent them & what treatments are available? Waverley Foot Clinic explain all here! Visit us today

Foot Pain

Foot Pain Foot pain can simply ruin your life. Foot pain may start from the moment you get out of bed or develop through the day. Which ever way the foot pain develops it can make day to day activities difficult or impossible.  Foot pain often develops slowly over months and eventually reaches the stage […]