Nail Fungus – What Can Be Done?

Nail fungus low-level laser therapy At Waverley Foot Clinic, we specialise in treating fungal nail infections, a prevalent issue that continues to rise each year. Once a nail becomes infected, the fungus produces an enzyme that breaks down the nail protein, resulting in discolouration, thickening, and gradual deterioration of the nail structure. Please visit our […]

The Mail On Sunday Nail Fungus Article

Nail fungus treatment with Lunula Cold Laser Therapy Waverley Foot Clinic At Waverley Foot Clinic, we focus on providing specialised treatment for nail fungal infections. Our approach revolves around the efficacy of cold laser therapy, which offers simple and effective solutions for eradicating nail fungus. The Mail on Sunday recently featured an article that explains […]

Painful Feet And Chilblains

What are chilblains? Chilblains, also known as pernio, manifest as small, itchy, red, and sometimes purple swellings on the skin. These sensitivities can intensify, cause swelling and eventually dry out, leading to the formation of skin cracks that expose the foot to infection risks. Affected areas can include the toes (especially the smaller ones), fingers, […]

Merry Christmas From Waverley Foot Clinic

Christmas holiday day closures The Waverley Foot Clinic located in Farnham will be temporarily closed starting from Saturday, December 22nd. We will reopen our doors on Wednesday, January 2nd, 2019, ready to serve you with renewed enthusiasm and dedication. Urgent problems For urgent issues, reach out to your GP or contact the NHS helpline on […]

The College Of Podiatry International Conference – Bournemouth 2018

Preventing foot pain The College of Podiatry Conference in Bournemouth 2018 Jonathan Kirk, Sheila Mills (both renowned podiatrists), and our esteemed administrator, Carolyn Calow, from Waverley Foot Clinic in Farnham, had the privilege to attend The College of Podiatry Conference in Bournemouth. This prestigious international gathering, touted as Europe’s largest, offered three days of exceptional […]

Nail Fungus

What is nail fungus? Nail fungus has the potential to infect one or multiple toenails and, in some cases, even fingernails. The progression of this infection is often slow, gradually developing over several months or even years. By the time it becomes noticeable, the infection is typically quite advanced. Interestingly, ladies may be unaware of […]

Heel & Arch Pain

Heel & Arch pain At Waverley Foot Clinic we have recently seen an increase of patients coming to see us in relation to heel and arch pain. This is possibly linked with the good weather this summer and many people wearing flat sandals or flip flop type footwear (I will explain why later) Heel and […]

Summer Foot Care Advice

10 tips on foot care Read our top 10 tips on how to look after your feet. The feet carry the weight of our entire body, making any foot problems a direct path to discomfort that can impact our stride. Consequently, pain can spread to the knees, hips, and back, causing further unease. An enlightening […]

Fungal Nail ‘Cold’ Laser Treatment Review

Fungal Nail Infection Review from a patient who received Lunula Laser treatment – Fungal nail treatment five-star review – Farnham, Surrey Kate (23rd April 2018) ★★★★★ Nine months ago, I started treatment for nail fungus, which I had endured for many years and could not get rid of with remedies bought over the counter. I […]

Foot Pain And Achilles Tendon Ankle Pain

Foot pain and Achilles tendon ankle pain Achilles injury/tendinopathy What is the Achilles tendon? Pain experienced at the back of the ankle is often attributed to the Achilles tendon. This tendon is formed by the combination of two calf muscles: the gastrocnemius and the soleus. Despite its reputation as the strongest tendon in the body, […]