Summer Foot Care Advice

10 tips on foot care

Read our top 10 tips on how to look after your feet.

The feet carry the weight of our entire body, making any foot problems a direct path to discomfort that can impact our stride. Consequently, pain can spread to the knees, hips, and back, causing further unease. An enlightening study conducted by The College of Podiatry reveals that nine out of ten individuals encounter some form of foot ailment, while one in five admit to frequent or constant foot pain. Podiatrist Jonathan Kirk says: “What this research shows is that a huge number of people are willing to put up with sore, aching, and painful feet.” He adds: “Your feet shouldn’t hurt on a daily basis. If you are experiencing discomfort, it is usually because you aren’t wearing the right footwear. You don’t need to tolerate it, so do seek professional advice.”

Chronic foot pain

Persistent foot pain or chronic issues can significantly benefit from a digital biomechanical assessment. This comprehensive evaluation helps pinpoint the specific underlying problems contributing to your discomfort. By prescribing orthotic insoles to be worn in your shoes or trainers, we can correct the foot’s functionality and provide long-term relief from these issues.

If you believe that a digital biomechanical assessment and scan could be beneficial for you, please call Waverley Foot Clinic on 01252 716611.

Here are 10 tips from the College of Podiatry to keep your feet in good condition and prevent problems:

Wash your feet often

Maintain clean and fresh feet by washing them daily with warm, soapy water. Avoid over-soaking, as it can deplete your skin’s natural oils.

Dry your feet well

After washing your feet, make sure to thoroughly dry them, paying extra attention to the spaces between your toes. It is in these areas that fungal infections like athlete’s foot can take hold.

Moisturise and file

For dry skin, apply moisturising cream to your entire foot, excluding the area between the toes. To gently eliminate hard skin and calluses, utilise a pumice stone or foot file. However, exercise caution and avoid excessive exfoliation as it can lead to the skin growing back even tougher than before.

Cut toenails carefully

Maintain well-groomed toenails by regularly trimming them with proper nail clippers. Always cut straight across, avoiding any angles or trimming down the edges, as this may lead to the development of ingrown toenails.

Shoe shop in the afternoon

Consider shopping for shoes in the afternoon when your feet are at their largest. As the day progresses, your feet tend to swell, and by choosing shoes that fit well during this time, you can ensure lasting comfort throughout the day.

Footwear tips for work

When it comes to wearing heels at work, it’s crucial to prioritise comfort. Opt for comfortable shoes during your commute, and save the smart heels for when you’re in the office. Additionally, consider varying the heel height, choosing between low, medium, and high. 

Limit time wearing high heels

Be wise about your footwear choices. Reserve high heels and pointed shoes for those special moments, and always opt for appropriate footwear based on the task at hand (no sandals on mountainous terrain!). Make wise choices to ensure comfort, style, and safety. Delve into this comprehensive guide on selecting the correct shoes.

Change your socks often to avoid foot odour

Ensuring the freshness of your feet is as simple as changing your socks daily. Discover expert guidance on purchasing socks from the Institute of Chiropodists and Podiatrists, and learn how the presence of dirty socks can lead to the unpleasant issue of foot odour.

Watch out for foot bugs in communal changing areas

To prevent contracting athlete’s foot and verrucas, it is advisable to wear flip-flops when utilising public facilities like gym showers, swimming pools, or hotel bathrooms. This simple precaution can help safeguard your feet and maintain good hygiene.

Take care with flip-flops

Wearing flip-flops continuously is not advisable as they lack foot support and may lead to discomfort in the arches and heels with prolonged use. It is recommended to limit their usage to prevent any potential foot pain.

Foot pain advice for over-60s

Once you reach the age of 60, taking care of your feet becomes increasingly vital. The passage of time leaves its mark, causing your skin to thin, your joints to stiffen, and making your feet more susceptible to the cold. In addition to that, according to our podiatrist: “As we age, it becomes increasingly challenging for us to stay nimble on our feet, and declining eyesight only exacerbates the issue.” Jonathan recommends: “Schedule regular check-ups with a foot specialist every six months and never ignore foot pain, as it should never be considered a normal occurrence. Your feet deserve better than that.”

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Picture of Jonathan Kirk - Lead Chiropodist / Podiatrist and Practice Owner | MChS BSc (Hons)

Jonathan Kirk - Lead Chiropodist / Podiatrist and Practice Owner | MChS BSc (Hons)

Mr Jonathan Kirk is the proud owner and manager of Waverley Clinic. With a diverse background in healthcare, he first embarked on his professional journey as a Registered General Nurse. Subsequently, he carved out a successful career in the UK medical industry, excelling in sales and senior management roles. As his passion for podiatry grew stronger, Jonathan made the decision to further his education as a mature student, pursuing a BSc (Hons) degree in podiatry. Now, he resides in Farnham, utilising his extensive clinical and podiatric expertise to benefit his patients.

Online Booking: You can now book online for both Podiatry & Physiotherapy