Big toe joint area pain treatment Farnham

Are you searching for the best treatment for big toe and bunion pain?

You can experience pain in the big toe joint area at any point in your life, although it does worsen with age. Here at Waverley Foot Clinic Farnham, we understand how debilitating pain around the big toe joint can be. We will work with you to decide upon the best  pain relief treatment options for you.  

You may be suffering from big toe area pain for several different reasons, such as a sporting injury, as a result of bunions or simply the wear and tear of a life on our feet.  Whatever the root cause of your big toe pain, it can make everyday activities such as walking, housework and sports incredibly challenging. 

At Waverley Foot Clinic in Farnham we provide both successful big toe joint pain treatment and long term advice to let you get on with your life.

What are the symptoms of big toe pain?

There are several signs that indicate you may be suffering from big toe pain, although the severity of each person’s symptoms can vary. These include:

  • Pain across the ball of the foot
  • Pain in the bunion joint
  • Hard, thick skin near the areas of pain
  • Swelling / red area to the bunion joint
  • Pain in your toe joints 
  • Pain at in the tips or end of your toes
  • Pain across the top of the foot
  • Sometimes shin Pain

Clawed toes

Claw toe and hammer toe are deformities of the foot that occur when the tendons that move the toes get too tight or out of balance, causing pressure and pain. This can lead to raised and prominent toe joints causing pain. These areas can develop hard skin and sometimes corns; both very painful which require expert treatment and long term preventative advice.

Toe Injuries

If you play sports, you may have sustained an injury that is causing your big toe pain. Common big toe joint injuries include a stress fracture, sprain, and turf toe. All injuries can cause pain and swelling of the big toe.

Toe Pain - tips of toe

The ends of the toes can become painful with hard skin/callus formation. Sometimes painful corns may form.  These areas can develop hard skin and sometimes corns; both very painful which require expert treatment and long term preventative advice.


Bunions can also cause pain, swelling, redness, stiffness and restricted flexibility around the big toe. The bones appear to change and cause a bony prominence  that makes the foot wider and tighter in shoes. This is where expert Podiatry advice is needed to examine the problem and offer specific advice to reduce pain, discomfort and improve all aspects of your daily life. Biomechanical assessment and Orthotic Insoles can help to reduce the effect of restricted flexibility and relieve pain. You don’t have to live with painful bunions and Waverley Foot Clinic expert Podiatry advice and treatment will help you.

Corns & Calluses

Corns and calluses or hard skin often cause pain, discomfort and interfere with your daily life. You should see a chiropodist / podiatrist for treatment and long term advice to help prevent or reduce corn and callus return.

Fix Your Big Toe Pain

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