Nail Problems
Common Nail Problems
The most common nail problems that we see at Waverley Foot Clinic Farnham include:
- Discoloured nails
- Toenail fungus
- Ingrowing toenails
- Loose nails
- Crumbly nails
- Nail trauma
Most of these conditions will involve an appointment with our professional podiatrist to ensure complete assessment and the most appropriate treatment is provided. Advice to ensure long term foot health is always provided.
Ingrowing nail
Ingrowing toenails can be a very painful and is, mostly characterised by red soreness/pain and swelling along the edge of a toe nail.
Thickened Nails
Nail thickening can happen as a result of every day life, but the issue is usually caused by an underlying fungal infection.
Nail Fungus
A frequent nail problem we see at Waverley Foot clinic Farnham is nail fungus. This usually occurs with some skin fungal infection such as ‘athlete’s foot’ between the toes.
Unable to Cut Nails
Waverley Foot Clinic provides a toe nail cutting service for people who are unable to cut their nails or for ingrown toe nails.
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