Routine Foot Care Farnham
Here at Waverley Foot Clinic Farnham, we provide an extensive range of routine foot care treatments that are carefully crafted to ensure your feet remain healthy, in tip-top condition at all times.
Our highly experienced chiropodist / podiatrist will thoroughly examine and assess your feet to ensure that you are given the correct diagnosis and treatment for your foot care needs. At Waverley Foot Clinic our objective is to provide expert treatment and advice to keep our patients happy, pain free and mobile.
Routine Footcare & Foot Health MOT

Many people never really think about their feet or foot health. Just thinking our feet will remain healthy and pain free forever. This is NOT the case. Feet and foot health needs to be maintained in the same way we take care of our teeth or eyes.
Regular foot health is something other nations of the world do routinely. This helps identify potential or current problems early and start treatment and advice early.
Visiting your local Chiropodist / Podiatrist at least once a year for a ‘foot health’ check-up can help? During your foot health MOT, your chiropodist / podiatrist will assess your circulation, skin condition, general foot health and address any problems. Long term patient specific foot health advice provided, plus address any questions or concerns you may have about caring for your feet.
Your podiatrist will also discuss the importance of routine foot care in keeping your feet roadworthy, with key aspects of foot care including cutting your toenails, removing any hard skin, treating corns, and applying a rich podiatry foot cream.
Corns & Calluses
Both these problems can be painful and make simple daily activity a problem. We advise that you do not try to treat such problems with sharp instruments or ‘acid corn plasters’. Corns and calluses are caused by pressure or rubbing (friction). Located on the sole of the feet, between the toes or on the toe joints are typical locations. There are numerous, possible reasons for corn & callus formation. At Waverley Foot Clinic we will treat the problem and explain why they occurred and the best way to help prevent their return.
Verruca Removal
Verruca is caused by the HPV virus (Human Papilloma Virus). Therefore, (as with all virus infractions) verrica eradication can be difficult. The verruca virus is extremely contagious, so always take precautions at home to protect other family members. These, often painful areas can make walking and sport a problem. Verrucas often occur with thick callus adding to the discomfort. Treatment as soon as possible is advised to confine and eradicate the viral infection.
Shop bought verruca treatments with pharmacist advice are not always effective. This can be frustrating resulting in the verruca remaining the same and in some cases growing and spreading. At Waverley foot Clinic correct diagnosis is the first stage, followed by the most appropriate treatment for every patient. Verrucas may take several weeks to resolve so patience is needed. Our Podiatrist / Chiropodist will provide long term advice to help prevent future infections for the whole household.
Nail care
Sometimes cutting nails can become difficult. This may be because the nails become too thick or just reaching them is tricky. Whatever the reason at Waverley Foot Clinic, Farnham our Podiatrist / Chiropodist will offer a professional service and at the same appointment treat other problems such as corns & callus.
Diabetic Footcare advice
Diabetes is a condition affecting various areas of the body including the feet. Waverley Foot Clinic advice follows that of the NHS. Our Chiropodist / Podiatrist offers local diabetic care and health advice in Farnham at a time convenient to you.
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