Hard skin is an uncomfortable skin complaint, and we see it in our clinic on a day to day basis. This uncomfortable and painful skin can make walking and moving difficult, reducing your quality of life.
Here at Waverley Foot Clinic, we understand that putting a spring in your step may mean some investigation and possibly professional medical treatment to ensure you’re walking to the best of your ability going forward.
Hard skin and calluses can be very uncomfortable. If you are suffering with any of the following, we may be able to help:
Hard skin or callus treatment coupled with preventative advice is always the best route to take. These types of foot problems have a tendency to return at some stage in the future, therefore long term care plans are important to maintain good foot health.
We can advise you on the steps to take, such as:
This specialist podiatry treatment to remove hard skin and callus is very carefully done using a small special blade.
NOTE: This more advanced foot treatment for hard skin must be diagnosed and treated by a qualified Podiatrist. Not every Podiatry clinic offers 100% fully qualified staff treat ALL patients.
Our feet do a lot of work and are responsible for carrying the rest of our bodies, so we must look after them well and treat them with respect. This becomes especially more pertinent if you have issues such as diabetes. This type of foot care again must only be carried out by a qualified Podiatrist. We advice Diabetic Foot Health reviews as per NICE guidelines every six months. Also your blood circulation to the feet will be checked using an ultrasound and your peripheral neurological sensation tested.
Or call Waverley Clinic to book an appointment:
Seven-day, 24 hour telephone appointment booking service
Online Booking: You can now book online for both Podiatry & Physiotherapy